Top Weekly VC Deals & Startup Trends

Read by top GPs, LPs, founders, high-growth startup teams, university students, etc.
Published every Tuesday morning since 2020

Tuesdays: VC Deals

Fridays: Tech Interviews

Why read Sourcery’s VC deals & startup trends?

  1. You’re fundraising 💰

    1. Fresh VC fund announcements at the bottom of each newsletter

    2. Follow active investors & themes around what’s currently being funded in the deal announcements section

  2. You’re sourcing deals 🚀

    1. VCs need fresh leads, startup funding announcements are usually shared 6-12 months after initial funding, this is meant to be a signal to the market of an upcoming round

    2. Source through Fintech, Health, Enterprise & Consumer, HardTech, and Sustainability sections (yes, this includes AI & American Dynamism companies)

  3. You’re looking out for competition 👀

    1. Watch for recently funded companies in your categories

  4. You’re looking for sales leads ✨

    1. Big tech sales, real estate brokers, etc. all follow Sourcery to get leads on freshly funded companies to sell to

  5. You’re looking for a new job 🕵️

    1. Companies releasing fresh press around a raise are usually looking to attract & add talent to their teams

  6. You want to learn what’s currently trending in tech! 👨🏻‍💻

    1. Each week I provide updates on what’s new or currently being talked about in tech, following market trends & providing a POV of how to digest it all


Why upgrade?

Upgrade to get full access to the archives of all of the top weekly VC deal announcements aggregated in one convenient newsletter. Never miss an update. And if I miss a great deal, feel free to comment or ping me on LinkedIn. Plus you get a free Sourcery hat of your choosing. :)

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The material presented on Molly O’Shea’s website are my opinions only and are provided for informational purposes and should not be construed as investment advice. It is not a recommendation of, or an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy, any particular security, strategy, or investment product. Any analysis or discussion of investments, sectors or the market generally are based on current information, including from public sources, that I consider reliable, but I do not represent that any research or the information provided is accurate or complete, and it should not be relied on as such. My views and opinions expressed in any website content are current at the time of publication and are subject to change. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

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Top Weekly VC Deals & Startup Trends
